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. Wa wai wan wang wei wen weng wo wu. Learning pinyin early in ones Chinese studies dramatically accelerates the speed at. 笠翁对韵笠翁对韵全文带拼音版上卷在线阅读yī 一东 dōng 天 tiān 对 du 地 d 雨 yǔ 对 du 风 fēng 大 d 陆 l 对 du 长 chng 空 kōng 山 shān 花 huā 对 du 海 hǎi 树 sh 赤 ch 日 r 对 du 苍 cāng 穹 qing 雷 li 隐 yǐn 隐 yǐn 雾 w 蒙 mēng 蒙.
Interactive Pinyin Chart to master Chinese pronunciation. Complete with audio demonstrations and video explanations for English speakers. Sa sai san sang sao se sen seng sha shai shan shang shao she shen sheng shi shou shu shua shuai shuan shuang shui shun.
Ye xu shi jie jiu zhe yang. Wo ye hai zai lu shang. No one can tell.
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E ei en er. Ye xu wo zhi neng chen mo. Na nai nan nang nao ne nei nen neng ni nian niang niao nie nin ning niu nong nou nu nuan nue nun nuo nv.
Bu zai gu dan. A o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün. Ta tai tan tang tao te teng ti tian tiao tie ting tong tou tu tuan tui tun tuo.
Chinese Pinyin the official romanization system for Standard Chinese in mainland China is the most commonly used phonetic system for writing Chinese with the Latin alphabet. 第13_1楼 非常感谢你的参与日削xuē月割的错误已经修正关于悲夫的注音参照商务印书馆的古代汉语词典第383页 商务印书馆的古代汉语词典第382页 内容夫应该作为语气词更恰当一些读二声. Maybe thats the way the world is.
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